March News & Links

Howl you doing?
We hope this news will bring a smile to waiting pawParents 🐾 


Pitter patter of Little mini schnauzer paws will be due in the first week of  July 
Expecting Black and dark Salt pepper colours.

Dam Lulu Georgiou

Sire  Little Prince Jimmy


 Newsletter 📰

Bringing puppy home.

Home safety

Poisonous plants

Many can be poisonous for dogs and other pets, causing skin infections, kidney failure, liver failure, or severe irritation to the gastrointestinal tract.

Lawn treatments

If you treat your lawn with chemicals, then you’ll want to keep your pup off the grass. Be sure to read and follow the label directions on the lawn treatment carefully.

You can call the Animal Poisons Helpline on 1300 869 738 (AU) or 0800 869 738 (NZ) for advice. The service is free for all pet owners



The dog’s nose is as unique as a human fingerprint.

link Coat colours read more in-depth


Mini Schnauzer Genetics,of%20it's%20own%2C%20genetically%20speaking.

 Kaleidoscope Kennels